Pease, Lisa

Third graders
Mrs. Lisa Pease
Grade 3 Teacher
Room 209
Pipestone Elementary School
Contact me:
Phone:  507-562-6200 

I obtained my bachelor’s degree from Dakota State University in Madison, SD with a double major in Elementary Education and Special Education.  I obtained my Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership from Southwest Minnesota State University.  

This is my 25th year of teaching, with 24 of those in the Pipestone Area School District.  In the past 25 years, I have taught Title I, special education (grades 5 – 12), and 5th grade, and am now in my sixth year of teaching third grade.  I am excited to have your child in my classroom this year and look forward to a great school year!

All about 3rd grade image

~ Binders/Homework: This will be our daily method of communication and will go to/from school daily.
  1. Notes – Please look for notes or write notes to me (be sure to include the date).
  2. Spelling – Spelling worksheets are due THURSDAY. Their Spelling test is also on Thursday – if they miss any words they will re-take on Friday. They will receive the higher grades of the two. There is a packet of their spelling lists for the entire year at the back of their binder.
  3. Vocabulary – They will have a quiz on these words on Thursday. Please study with your child at home.
  4. Monthly Reading Logs – They can read 15 minutes on 23 nights or any other combination to total 345 minutes per month. These are due on the first school day of the following month.
  5. Math Facts Log Sheet – The goal each week is to practice their math facts 5 times per week. They can study by doing flashcards, by doing any math apps to practice facts (Quick Math is a good one), or by doing any other computer-based programs to practice their facts, such as Reflex Math. Mrs. Zupp’s website also has good programs to practice on.
  6. Passwords – These passwords can be used to practice skills at home.
~ Remind:
Text To: 81010
Message: @levans1

~ Discipline:
  1. Class Reward System – the class can earn tallies (or I can earn tallies) depending on their behavior as a class. At the end of the day, if the students have more tallies than me (which is what we want) they will get a puzzle piece. Once they earn all of the pieces, the class earns a reward. We vote on the reward as a class.
  2. Individual Reward System – at the beginning of each week, the children will get tickets for the number of school days in that week. They can also earn (or lose) tickets throughout the week. At the end of each month, the children are allowed to either redeem or save their tickets. They can “spend” their tickets on things such as pencils, erasers, extra iPad time, or show and tell.
~ Absent/Sick:
If you know your child has an appointment, you can send a note prior to the appointment or give Colleen a call. If your child is sick, please contact Colleen right away in the
morning so that your child is accounted for. The office number is 825-6763. You can also e-mail her at If you choose to do that, you can add my name to the e-mail as well.

~ Grading Scale:
Click Here if you would like a copy of the grading scale.

~ Birthdays:
If your child would like to bring treats on their birthday to share with the class, they may, but do not have to. If they choose to bring something, the treat needs to be purchased at a store. No homemade items are allowed to be brought in due to food allergies. If your child has a summer birthday, we will celebrate their half-birthday at school. This year we have 23 students in our class.

~ Book Orders:
Book order forms will be sent home approximately one time per month. You are under NO obligation to purchase any books. If you are interested, you can order books in two ways:
1.) Fill out the form and send it back to school with your child. Please make checks payable to “Scholastic Book Clubs”. Please do not send cash.
2.) You can order online with a credit card. You will need to set up an account at – our class code is LKTF4. After you submit an order I will receive an e-mail and will place the order with the rest of the class orders. Your child’s books will be delivered to me at school.

Main Course Page

kids with letters

Spelling City is a great way to study for your spelling tests.   Click on the Spelling City icon below and it will take you directly to my Spelling City Homepage.   If you need my username it is: evans33


Spelling City

Spelling Words
 Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5
Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9Week 10
Week 11Week 12Week 13Week 14Week 15
Week 16Week 17Week 18Week 19Week 20
Week 21Week 22Week 23Week 24Week 25
Week 26Week 27Week 28Week 29Week 30
Week 31Week 32Week 33Week 34Week 35


Login information:       evans3            arrowsr1
Theme 1:
Theme 2:
Theme 3:
Theme 4:
Website for IDEAS writing prompt “My Unusual Pet”
     San Diego Zoo Animals
Haiku Deck
:  E-mail         
Password:  25pas_ _ _ _ (lunch #)


:  E-mail
Password:  25pas_ _ _ _ (lunch #)


 Sign-in:  arrows3_ (your classroom #)  
Password:  arrows3_



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