Evans, Jennifer

Jennifer Evans
Second Grade
Pipestone Elementary

Hi! My name is Jennifer Evans. 

I received my undergrad from Southwest Minnesota State in Marshall in 1992 and my Master’s in Education also from Southwest Minnesota State in 2000.

My husband, Dennis, and I have four children. Stacey, Chelsey, Cassie, and Jake. I also coach C-squad volleyball and junior high softball and I love it!

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Mrs. Evans’ Classroom Information
Mrs. Evans’ Classroom Information
Discipline:   Positive discipline strategies promote positive behavior.  The students will earn ‘Bananas’ for positive behavior.  They will earn stamps on their incentive charts according to how many ‘Bananas’ they have earned throughout the day.
Incentive Charts:Each month your child will receive a monthly incentive chart.  This chart is to stay in the front pocket of their. This chart is for good behavior and homework.  Once each child has filled out their incentive chart, the class will have a reward day.
Folders: Each student is to have two pocket folders with pockets on the bottom.  One folder will be their school folder and it will stay in their desks.  The other folder is their music folder and that will also stay in their desks.  The second graders from my class will be given a ‘Boomerang Folder’.    
Please make sure to check this folder regularly.  It will have papers in it that you need to see.
Homework:The second graders will have spelling homework on the weeks we have either a 4 or 5-day week.  I will send the homework home on Monday and they should return it by Friday signed by a parent.   I usually send home an extra spelling activity for them to do like Spelling tic-tac-toe or other activities for them to practice their words.  Eventually, I will send math problems home for them to practice their facts with speed.  They will also have a monthly reading log.
Dismissal: I will need a note, phone call, or email from you if you want your child to do anything different than what they normally do after school.  I cannot go by word of mouth from your child.  If I don’t receive one of the three things I mentioned above, they will do what they normally do!  If you email me, make sure I reply back.  Sometimes I get busy and don’t get a chance to check my email.  If I don’t reply by 3:00, please call.
Taxi: There is a form for you to fill out if you think that there might be a possibility your child will be riding the taxi.  It is your responsibility to provide a token.  
Show-and-Tell:Show-and-tell will be done during the week of their ‘Terrific Kid.’
Birthdays: Your child may bring a store-bought treat to help celebrate their birthday.  Party invitations must be sent from home.
Milk Break:   If your child would like milk during milk break, you will need to pay either $30 for a semester or $60 for a whole year.  Your child may bring water to school. They should bring water with a pop-up lid if possible. 
Snacks:   We will be having snacks in our classroom.   We have 21 students in our classroom.
Please send enough for the whole class when you send a snack. They have to be store-bought. Please take your turn at sending a snack.
Book Orders:When purchasing books from a book order, write the check out to the book company.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
jen.evans@ pas.k12.mn.us or 825-6763

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